Argentina Border Control | Customs and Immigration



5 months ago
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Argentina Border control for people and cars/motorhomes. Small place, but two different buildings close together.
Sometimes they check for fruits, vegetables, meats, wood products, etc. when entering Argentina.


Why? By checking in after you’ve visited a place you let others know this place is still functional. You can also add or correct any information.

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Entering Argentina from Paraguay. Long line uphill from vehicles from the ferry. In total it took about 30min mostly because of the vehicle line. Aduana itself maybe 5min, they didn’t inspect the vehicle.

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Do not forget the TIP. They say at the duana here that you not need it for the iguazu zone but u need! We asked several timea and we did not get one. So we thought “oke maybe its different here” so we went to the iguazu falls for 2 days and came back and gues what what happend they asked for the TIp. So we explained them the situation. Showed all the papers and pictures we had and after some time they let us go but we were lucky. So sweet travellers. Get the tip and if they do not give it or acting strange. Film the situation so you have proof:)

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Exiting Argentina:
You can drive past the customs trailers and park on the right hand site on the gravel parking lot.
1. Then you go back to the ticket office and buy your ticket. You will need the ticket for the migración. The ticket office is right next to the migraciones booth.

2. Go to the aduana and cancel your tip. The aduana is on the opposite site of the ticket office.

3. You drive down to the ferry.

Very quick and easy process.

There is no higher fee for motorhomes. We paid 3000 Pesos for the car including one person and an additional 1000 pesos for the second person. So 4000 (7,66€) in total.
You can also pay in Dollars, real or guarani, but then it's basically double the price.

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Price is 5000 ARS now for any car thats registered as a motorhome. Normal cars are 2500 ARS.

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1500 far a Moto on the ferry to Paraguay

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Coming back from Brasil, customs was super heavy. Asked for the insurance and in case of having a dog, make sure you bring the SENASA paper !!!

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Entered Arg from Par. Quiet border. Aduana guy asked quiet a lot of questions about us, our travels and the car (like how the car got to SA, how we bought it etc) but no problems. They also searched the car thoroughly, no issues with dry food, huevos, nuts, but they don't let carne/plants/fruits/vegetables so we had to eat our fruits there :)

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No ferry on sundays! All other days every hour till 5.00 pm.
Fast and easy. It took us less than 15 minutes to do all the paperwork
We paid 390 pesos for 2 people and 1 MH.
Friendly staff!

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Argentina Border control for people and cars/motorhomes. Small place, but two different buildings close together.
No checking of fruits, vegetables, meats, wood products, etc. when entering Argentina.

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