Sedudu Gate Chobe NP | Tourist Attraction



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Kasane, Sedudu Gate Chobe NP. There is also an office to book for campings


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270 pp for foreigners and 115 for the foreigner car. Cheapest with south african or namibian rental car. Put in pictures new prices since 2022. Open in May from 6am to 6:30 pm. Amazing wildlife (200 elephants, 100 buffalos, giraffes, zebras, warthogs, 16 lions, 12 hippos, birds...). Sandy tracks sometimes so better to deflate tyres. Perfect national park.we loved it.

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booked campsites in advance for Linyanti and Moremi North Gate at the SKL Camps booth just next to the gate. also paid park entry fees in advance by card. on the day we traveled from Chobe NP to Moremi GR we had to pay for both parks. helpful enough park rangers, math skills at an absolute low though :-)

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Here you can book and pay for Ihaha (cash only) at the small cottage on the right and get and pay (credit cards accepted) the parc fees at the gate.

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Paid P525.00 for 2 people and vehicle. Excellent game drive along Chobe river. Entered from Sedudu gate.

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Note that the gate posts are eager to go home. At 6:25pm they already have the buildings locked and are sitting in the vehicle staring at their phone, waiting to lock the gate and drive off at 6:30pm.

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Price as for April 1st is now 570P for two foreigners and a car!
However it does say if you are from a neighbouring country you pay what a local pays, they dont check your passport. Also, we exited from a road about 18kms inside the park that has no gate and saw another rental truck entering this way. We wernt stopped at the gate on the tar road exiting to ask where we came from or when we returned the next day to go to Namibia. You might be able to avoid paying at all by just driving by the gate on the tar road and waving to the guard, then entering and exiting from one of the side roads into the park. You can see them on

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Price remains as previously described at 290 pula for two non-resident adults + foreign registered vehicle per calendar day.

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In low season you don’t have to book the campings up front.

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Price is still 290 P for a Day Pass for two People and Car (EU Number Plate). You can also transit this part of the Park on the paved Main Road (free).

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Price still BP120 pp and BP50 for car.
But they have a strange policy for privay vehicles when you want to enter Sedudu gate. When you arrive at gate early and it is busy with safari tour operators, you cannot enter untill 8 am. To enter befor 8 am you have to drive about 19 km in direction Ngoma and then turn right in to the park. No sign. Drive about 7 km on sandy road to riverfront. There you meet the tour operators again. From there you can go to any direction you want.
So the tour operators have their on privilages to please their customers. This can only happen when the lodges pay a lot of BP to ???? When we where their, we only so 3 privat cars but 25+ tour operators racing around interesting animals they encounter to get the best spot. Even if they chased the animals away. There is already discimination about entry fee. So don't do it with entry times.

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Beware awkward police here and at Ngoma gate at other end of this transit. Stop well before stop sign and walk to office - issuing 1000P ticket for passing stop sign by only 1 m and still before gate/office. We negotiated for 10 minutes and got off but others not so lucky. Official police in attendance

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Prices for international guests (valid for calendar day NOT 24h)
120P per Person
50 per international registered vehicles

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