United States
Free public dump site with non-potable water. great place and free. very well marked and easy to find
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This place is still open to the public. I added pictures of the board near the dumping site. There is no potable water, but they do have a hose set up for cleaning your tube.
We waited about 30 minutes in line. It was no big deal since it was free.
Unfortunately the place was a mess - the previous user had no pipe so just dumped into the ground and then flushed some, but not nearly all, of the waste into the large drain. No way were we going to get out and paddle around in that pier and poop.
Otherwise the place looks to be a great facility!
Report Check-InVery easy and quick dump station. Big turn around loop for any size rig. Rinse water is available.
Report Check-Inthanks for sharing. great place to dump. free and easy to find. I would rate a 5 but the app won't let me change it.
Report Check-Inlocated next to the treatment plant. little off the beaten path but clean.
Report Check-In