Here you can make your payment for the Senasa documents in order to cross the border to Chile with a dog. It is 98 Soles. The account number is 282499
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You can pay here for senasa. 98 soles.
Go early, long lines at 9 am already
Banco de la. Nación, where you make the payment of 98 soles to the Senasa so they stamp the blue medical certificate to import a pet to Chile. The account number is the following 0000282499
Report Check-InUPDATE: The cost was S/98,00 not S/98,70– the SENASA representative just laughed that I paid extra.
Report Check-InHere you can make your payment for the Senasa documents in order to cross the border to Chile with a dog. It is 98,70 Soles.
Report Check-In