Immigration Guinea | Customs and Immigration



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Stamp in passport/e-visa, very friendly, no problem.


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All friendly and smooth for us. They stamped both the evisa as well as our passport here.
Lot of small talk always helps.

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From Senegal to Guinea.
After a bit of trouble with my e-visa, I arrived there without a taxi during late afternoon. First I was stopped by a random police officer who was probably bored and wanted to chat (he didn't check anything). Then I reached the official border and there I was taken into an office so that some officers could write down some info about my trip. I told them straight away I was a photographer sent by a Catholic NGO. I don't know if it played, but the officers were pretty friendly and didn't ask for money. I did pay waaaay too much for a guy to drive me to Koundara afterwards though, but I was way too weary to negotiate properly ^^.
The officers only checked my e-visa and passport, my proof of housing and my mission statement from the NGO. Unlike what I'd been told, they didn't check any of my luggage.

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Guinea to Senegal. Here our passports were entered into books twice in two different places. PC doesn't work. Our CdP was checked twice and then the border rope was finally lowered. The road from here to Senegal is paved and good. The photo is wrong, it belongs to the border to Kandika, Guinea-Bissau.

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officer entrance guinee very nasty. wanted 2 copies of visa, as I did not have them, he initialy refused entrance, referring to a statement (in red) written at the end of the visa, that finally it s border-officer to decide, if you may enter or not. And of course no copymaschine in 50 km diameter. Finally he let me in, after 20 min. discussion. And the following road to Koundara, named a national road, is really very, very bad!

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Guinée to Senegal

Drug police: I began in Namibia and this was my first thorough search. He searched the cab very thoroughly. The back of the pickup with camper was not searched thoroughly. Hat to empty my trouser pockets. Confiscated pepper sprays and "Dr. Lee" pills for "strong man".

Immigration: Passport exit stamp. Officer said I should have had an entry stamp made on the hardcopy of the e-visa. He kept the hardcopy.

Customs: Checked my previously stamped carnet.

Gendarmerie: Wrote my data in big book.

Very annoying lack of clear instructions where to park and move car multiple times. Together with the police stop some km to the south, this was an exceptionally hostile country exit.

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We used a handler to cross the boarder in Diamma from Mauretania to Guinea. Everything seemed to be fine first. But then when leaving Senegal to Guinee there was an Officer at the Gerdarmerie that checked our insurance. The National insurance stated it is valid for three months with due date on 16.1.2024. but the one that is valid for all of Westafrica said it is due only to 16.1.2023 - although it starts on 17.10.2023. officer asked us to pay temporal immatriculation for 250 Euros or go find a valid insurance at Koundara. Difficult to tell whether simple mistake or scam by our handler. But learnt to check everything properly!

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Everything easy and all people really chilled and friendly. We had to wait for the stamp in our carnet because of the break between 1pm and 4pm. ATTENTION: they scanned our camper here at the entry. Had talks with a lot of people because the guy of the scan wanted 25€ for scaning our vehicle. The conclusion was: tourists don’t have to pay for the scan!! Mention you are tourist areas everything will be good.

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Easy crossing, multiple checkpoints, no fees, stamped passport, checked carnet - sent to Sambailo (27km south) to stamp carnet there at customs.
I had Evisa - paid online - confirmation of visa emailed after 2 days. Used printed copy to enter, immigration guy told me if staying longer than 5 days to get printed copy inserted into passport @ Conakry Airport or Ministry.

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Very easy and quick. No problem, no ask Money.

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Crossed here, no issues. Carnet gets stamped in Sambailo, further south.

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Guinea to Senegal
Stamped out passport, stamped out Laissez-Paissez. And had to register in gandarmerie. Easy but takes around 30 min. Take care pf the exit stamp, it should be "sortie (exit)". We didn't see that we got "entrie" and then at Senegal side they didn't give us any entry stamp to Senegal so our only proove of entry to Senegal is entry stamp from Guinea which should be exit ;)
P.S. Between borders we saw 2 spieces of monkeys and many birds. Also many places for wild camps.

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Senegal to Guinea- stamped the passport out. Guinea side, stamped passport in. Carnet will be done further south

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Stamp in Passport, scan of passport, very friendly, no problems

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