Khowarib Sand Field | Warning



about 1 month ago
729.9 masl


Something not right?


on the road to the small falls, beware of quite thick sand on the road with a lot of trees surrounding : you could damage your car or get stuck in the sand. We suspect a bumper damage on our car in this place.


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We didn't experience any problem driving from the veterinary post to the Khoabib canyon (about 90km) in a Land Cruiser. With cold tyre pressure at 15psi driving in low ratio third and forth for most of the time. All river crossings and rocky sections easy to pass as long as you drive slowly.

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Once the road turns in to many, stick to the one furthest on the right… we got stuck here and couldnt get out ourselves anymore. Super nasty sand, quite deep and no chance getting out. We were driving a new DC Landcruiser. If you have a sat phone, try contact the Khowarib Lodge for help: +264812193291

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big sand field.
when we were on the campsite a family arrived after sunset, they digged for more than 5 hours and got stuck 2 times. finally they were rescued by a campsite employee.

but if you drive a Landrover, just grab your coffee and enjoy the ride in the dust in second gear lowrange :)

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on the road to the small falls, beware of quite thick sand on the road with a lot of trees surrounding : you could damage your car or get stuck in the sand. We suspect a bumper damage on our car in this place.

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